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2020 Scholarship Recipient Highlight | Part 5

My name is Adam Dignan. I was born in Massachusetts and was raised in Livermore Falls, Maine. I am a Senior at the University of North Carolina Charlotte, double majoring in Biology and Accounting. Prior to enrolling at UNCC, I served 11 and a half years in the United States Marine Corps where I forward deployed six times to Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan, and the Persian Gulf. Upon graduation, I hope to use my dual degrees to further my passion for conservation biology by helping a not-for-profit organization. I am an active member of the Student Veteran’s Association and Alpha Sigma Lambda.

Ashley Foss has been on a lifelong quest on matters related to human factors and safety, which culminated in a Bachelor’s degree in Safety Management and Occupational Safety from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Ashley is a member of the Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society and has certifications in Hazardous Materials, Continuity of Operations (COOP), National Incident Management System, Fire-Related Human Behavior, and Fire Protection Organization and Management. She will graduate summa cum laude, Fall 2020.
Ashley has an occupational background in photography, business management, and operations for Deluca Photography, as well as human relations at Primerica. In her personal time, in addition to raising five children, Ashley’s interests include playing cello in community orchestras, learning languages, such as German and Russian, photography, and Walt Disney World.

Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society is committed to helping nontraditional students achieve their goals and continue their education! You can help students like Ashley and Adam on their continuing education journeys by making a donation today!
