Office closed for the Holidays from December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025



The organization is named Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society (ASLHS).

The office of Alpha Sigma Lambda is located at:

          Office of Academic and Professional Development
          School of Continuing Education
          Eastern Illinois University
          600 Lincoln Avenue
          Charleston, IL 61920
          Telephone: 217 581-7106
          Fax: 217-581-6697


1.1.1: Colors:

Burgundy denotes power, action, and the confidence to go after your dreams. The color of blood – the essence of life and living. Gold denotes wisdom, wealth used wisely, prosperity, success, good health, and optimism.

1.1.2: Symbols on the ASLHS crest:

Book: Love of Knowledge
Lamp: Wisdom
Torch: Life

Alpha – Α − First
Sigma – Σ − Scholarship
Lambda – Λ − Leadership

1.1.3: The ASLHS Motto:

“First in Scholarship and Leadership”

1.1.4: Pledge of Membership

I promise to uphold the ideals and further the aims of Alpha Sigma Lambda, believing that by so doing I shall increase my value to my college and to my community.


Any use of the ASLHS logo and script must be confined to items approved by the ASLHS home office and printed in the Society’s signature colors of burgundy and gold. Black and white reproductions of the logo and script are also acceptable for printing purposes. These following items are official items of the Society and may only be purchased through the home office:

    • Certificates of membership and membership cards, letterhead, note cards, and brochures about the Society.
    • ASLHS jewelry and miscellaneous items to include membership pins, charms, key rings, and ballpoint pens.
    • Honor cords, honor stoles, tassels and any other academic regalia including but not limited to such items as sweatshirts , t-shirts, etc.

Chapters are prohibited from producing on their own or purchasing from any outside sources any of the items listed here or on the Alpha Sigma Lambda website as official items of the organization. Sales from these items are used to support our scholarship programs, services to the chapters and the home office operations and Staff as well as to fund the ASLHS annual conference.

To request permission to use the logo on other products, the following steps are to be followed:

    • Provide the home office with a brief description of the item and how you are going to use the logo. This can be done via email.
    • Provide a brief description of the purpose for developing this item. (e.g.: raise funds for local scholarships, to support some activity approved by the chapter and the chapter counselor, for greater chapter recognition on campus, etc.)
    • The Home Office will quickly review your request and either approve it or ask for some kind of modification. (For example, imprinting the logo on the seat of sweatpants does not present the organization in a professional manner. We might request that your chapter consider moving the logo to another location on the product.)

Alpha Sigma Lambda is a trademarked organization. Any use of the ASLHS logo and script must be approved by the ASLHS home office and printed in the Society’s signature colors of burgundy and gold. All ASLHS official items are available to be purchased through the ASLHS online store. Chapters are prohibited from producing on their own or purchasing from any outside sources any of the items listed on the Alpha Sigma Lambda website as official items of the organization.


3.1: Chapters

Chapters are based at colleges and universities that serve adult students and are comprised of adult students who have been inducted into those chapters.

Colleges and universities interested in establishing a chapter must complete and submit an official application form and fee online through the ASLHS website. A drafted chapter constitution will be completed by the home office and will be sent to the chapter councilor for approval.  Once the constitution has been approved, the Executive Director will review and for-ward the application to the Board of Directors for consideration.  Upon approval by the Board of Directors, applicants will be notified by the Home Office.

Chapter status will be maintained based on payment of annual dues.  Each chapter shall be required to pay annual dues and submit an Annual Status Report to the Home Office for consideration by the Board of Directors.

Any chapter failing to pay dues for two (2) consecutive years will be notified by the Membership Development Committee.

Any chapter failing to pay dues for three (3) consecutive years will be declared inactive and to   be reinstated will be required to complete the chapter application process.

3.2: Chapter Councilors

Each chapter has a Chapter Councilor who administers the affairs of the chapter.  Chapter Councilors are invited and encouraged to attend the annual ASLHS business meeting. Chapter Councilors represent their Chapters through their vote on Society business as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Each Chapter Councilor will be provided with a copy of the document, Responsibilities of the ASLHS Chapter Councilor, as approved by the Board of Directors.

3.3: Members

Members are students inducted into a chapter according to the guidelines set forth by the chapter’s constitution. If an individual member transfers to another institution with an ASLHS chapter, that individual may transfer his/her membership upon notifying the Chapter Councilor and the Home Office.


4.1.1 Voting members

The seven voting members of the Board of Directors include:  President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large, and Executive Director.

4.1.2 Election and term of service of voting members of the Board of Directors

The President and Vice President will be elected in odd years and serve two-year terms starting at the beginning of the calendar year following the election.

The Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large will be elected in the even years and serve two-year terms starting at the beginning of the calendar year following the election.

The President will become the Past President upon the installation of the newly elected President. If a member of the Board of Directors is unable to serve out his/her term, a new member may be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve out the remainder of the term. An election will be held for a replacement member according to the rotation cycle described above.

The Executive Director is a permanently assigned position on the Executive Board. A current member of the Board of Directors may be elected to an additional term of office.

4.2 Responsibility of the Executive Director

An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall attend all official meeting of the Board of Directors.

The Executive Director shall establish and maintain a headquarters office where all monies due or donated to the Society will be received and held, and all bills of the Society shall be processed and paid by dispatch.  He or she shall furnish annually to the Board of Directors a complete statement of the finances of the organization, an audited account of the receipts and disbursements: and annual budget developed along with the Finance Committee for approval by the Board of Directors.

The Executive Director shall supervise the accurate accounting of all members, ordering Alpha Sigma Lambda merchandise, distribution of and handling of the other Society documents and materials.

The Executive Director shall uphold the provisions of the Constitutions, Bylaws, and Statutes of the Society. 

The Executive Director shall have a prominent role in chapter relations and expansion for the Society through campus events and shall recommend annually the chapters, councilors, and chapter presidents worthy of recognition and methods of recognition.

The Executive Director shall oversee arrangements for Society Chapter Councilor meetings and provide for the recording and distribution of Council minutes.

The Executive Director shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

4.3 Assistant Executive Director

The Assistant Executive Director assists the Executive Director as needed and is responsible for banking relationships.

4.4 Non-voting members

Non-voting members are appointed by the President following recommendations by the Board of Directors and include:

    • Asset Manager – Oversees the investments for the Society.
    • Historian/Archivist – Oversees the archives and writes Society histories as needed.
    • Chairs of standing committees.
    • Assistant Executive Director.
    • General Counsel.
    • Chapter Ambassadors.

4.5 Responsibilities of the elected members of the Board of Directors include the following:

    • Oversee the business of the Society.
    • Admit Chapters.
    • Establish and review policy.
    • Develop financial resources to support the business of the Society.
    • Negotiate and manage contract with home office institution.
    • Conduct annual business meeting.
    • Engage in an annual mutual review on meeting the goals of the Society with the Executive Director.
    • Manage vendors/conduct periodic reviews/seek request for proposals as needed.


5.1 Standing committees

Chairs are to be appointed by the President. Members may be nominated by the Board of Directors, Chapter Councilors, or volunteer subject to approval by the board. Committee appointments will be made at the annual fall business meeting.

Each standing committee will be comprised of at least 3 members; the chair of the committee will submit a written report to the board at the annual fall business meeting.

Standing committees include:

    • Membership
    • Finance
    • Scholarship
    • Nominating
    • Constitution and By-Laws
    • Awards

5.1.1 Membership Committee

The ASLHS Membership Committee is responsible for membership development and retention. The membership committee oversees marketing initiatives, material, and makes recommendations and coordinates the marketing initiative.

5.1.2 Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer and includes the following members: Treasurer, Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director, Asset Manager, and the Home Office Manager. The committee oversees the overall financial transactions of the Society by reviewing financial reports pertaining to daily operations and to the scholarship funds held in separate savings and investment accounts.

Responsibilities of the Finance Committee are:

    • Manage the financial operations of the Society
    • Review quarterly financial reports for scholarship funds under asset management
    • Work with the Scholarship Committee to recommend to the Board at the annual meeting about the number and amount of scholarship awards for the next academic year
    • Reviews the pricing of the products and fees as needed

5.1.3 Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee is chaired by the Executive Director and assumes the following duties:

    • Work with the asset manager to determine funds available for scholarships for the current year
    • Invite chapters to participate in the scholarship competition by notifying the Chapter Councilors
    • Review, revising and publishing scholarship guidelines, application forms, and other relevant materials
    • Receive all applications for scholarships
    • Identify and contacts individuals to read and score the applications
    • Provide readers with the criteria and appropriate evaluation forms
    • Collect and calculates scores to determine those who will receive a scholarship
    • In case of ties, send the applications to a third reader
    • Report the data and names of the recipients to the Board of Directors
    • Notify the Asset Manager and Treasurer of names of the recipients
    • Answer any questions concerning scholarships posed from the Board of Directors or Chapter Councilors

5.1.4 Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee (NC) is chaired by the Immediate Past President and presents candidates for Board of Directors positions through the process described below. The NC nominates candidates for elective office with the aim of building a Board of Directors that will effectively govern ASLHS.

Of the three members of the NC, a majority must be current or past Chapter Councilors. Other than the Past President, ASLHS Board of Directors and staff members are not eligible to sit on the NC.

Nominating Procedure

Candidates may nominate themselves or a third party may nominate them if an indication from the nominee of a willingness to serve accompanies the nomination.  Candidates must state the position for which they are running and provide a written statement to that effect. Candidates must provide an outline of appropriate qualifications.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for nomination as a voting member of the Board of Directors, a nominee must have been a Chapter Councilor for at least 6 months preceding nomination. In addition, a prospective nominee shall:

(a) support the mission, vision, and values of ASL.

(b) demonstrate a commitment to lifelong education through prior service at collegiate level.

(c) be able to focus with a broad, long-range scope on a multitude of issues and not just single issues or events or short term solutions.

(d) be able to participate assertively in deliberation with respect and tolerance for divergent opinions and ideas.

(e) be willing to share power and delegate tasks.

(f) understand the role and responsibilities of ASL Board of Directors members.


The NC, chaired by the Immediate Past President will review all nominations and may review other candidates as allowed in the Constitution. A report from the NC for the members will be prepared and posted with the notice of the fall business meeting in accordance with the by-laws. The names and qualifications of eligible can be submitted by ASLHS members and may include eligible incumbents.  The deadline for nominations is determined by the NC.


(BFB=before the start of the fall business meeting)

  • 75 days BFB: The NC advises ASLHS constituents as to which board positions will be open at the next annual board meeting.  At the same time, it solicits nominations to be submitted in writing to the NC chair, of the names and qualifications of individuals to fill the expiring terms.
  • 60 days BFB:  Deadline for submitting nominations to the NC for its eventual slate. NC now begins to consider all names received; plus, others they have identified. The committee verifies the eligibility of each nominee.
  • 45 days BFB: NC presents its slate of recommended candidates, consisting of at least one individual for each open position, to the ASLHS Home Office for comunication to the membership through all appropriate means.  (The Board of Directors may take not action to change these committee recommendations.)

  • 30 days BFB:  Deadline for submitting nominations to the Home Office.
  • 15 days BFB: Deadline for ASLHS voting members to submit their electronic ballots listing of all nominees, their qualifications, and a brief, 250 words or less, statement by each candidate is now promptly communicated to the membership by the Home Office.

Results of election are communicated to all ASLHS members and announced at the fall business meeting.

5.1.5 Constitution and By-Laws committee

The Constitution and By-Laws committee reviews the Constitution and Bylaws at regular intervals to assure that the Society is abiding by the governance documents and that these documents are in accordance with the current activity of the Society. Should the Board of Directors determine that the Society needs to revise operational procedures, the committee will convene to propose amendments to the bylaws.

5.1.6 Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is chaired by the Vice President. The Awards Committee coordinates all awards including the selection process of the Will Hine Award and special recognition awards.

5.1.7 Ad hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Board of Directors to complete short-term projects.

Article 6: MEETINGS

Board of Director members are expected to attend two meetings per year, a spring meeting and the annual fall business meeting.

Annually, the board will present a summary business report to all Chapter Councilors or their designators.

All meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order and are open to members of the Society

Additional business may be conducted through special meetings, conferences, or electronic communication.

Article 7: VOTING

Chapter Councilors vote for election of officers and major business of the Society. Chapter Councilors are responsible for representing their chapters when voting on matters that come before the Society. Outcomes are based upon a simple majority of votes cast

Article 8: FINANCES

The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.

The annual dues for each Chapter will be determined by the Board of Directors.  As a rule, twenty-five percent (25%) of the annual dues will be designated for scholarship funds.  This percentage is reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.  The Home Office will send a dues notification to each Chapter member during October of each year.  Each Chapter is expected to pay the dues as designated upon notification.

Expenditures for the Society will be approved by the President and paid by the Treasurer or other authorized signers.

Signers for the checking account include: the Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director, Treasurer, and President.

The management of investments for the Society is overseen by the Asset Manager and the Treasurer.

The budget is approved at the mid-year business meeting by a majority vote.

The Society will provide for an external audit of accounts every 5 years. An internal audit of controls may be performed as needed as determined by the Board of Directors.


ASLHS issues scholarships annually as approved by the Board of Directors.

The funds for these scholarships are derived from the annual dues, contributions, and product sales.

Each chapter is allowed to submit two scholarship applications for consideration each year.

The Scholarship committee is responsible for reviewing the scholarship applications todetermine the recipients of the scholarships.


The official website for the Society is

The ASLHS website will be an information center for the Society Chapters and their members.

The semi-annual Midnight Oil newsletter is distributed through the website and electronically.

Article 11: AMENDMENTS

Amendments may be proposed by any of the Chapter Councilors or by a member of the Board of Directors.

An amendment must be approved by majority of the membership before going into effect.

Voting on amendments will be conducted electronically