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Constitution and By-Laws


Constitution Of Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society

Section 1 The name of this organization is Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society (the “Society”).

Section 2 Its purpose is to provide an association which recognizes academically outstanding adult students in higher education who come together to celebrate scholarship and leadership. Each institution uses specific criteria to identify “adult” students on its campus. Each chapter is expected to apply the definition of “adult” student used by its own institution to select the appropriate candidates for membership.

Section 3 This society shall be a non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of scholarship and leadership.

Section 1 Colleges and universities interested in establishing a chapter shall submit an application and a proposed chapter constitution to the Society’s Executive Director. Upon approval of the proposed constitution by the Society’s Board of Directors, a charter shall be granted.

Section 2 To meet the standards for a charter from the Society, a chapter shall satisfy the following requirements for election of students to membership:

a. Student members are typically adults engaged in balancing the multiple responsibilities of home, family, career, community, and education.

b. Residency Requirement: Student members must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) graded semester hours for an associate degree and twenty-four (24) semester hours for a baccalaureate degree or equivalent and shall be matriculated students in an undergraduate degree program in an institution that is regionally accredited in the U.S. or recognized by the Ministry of Education of the country in which the program operates. Institutions may apply for exceptions to the residency requirements to address the needs of adult students in their institution. All exceptions must be documented in the institution’s bylaws. The college credits may not include transfer credits. All credits must be taken through and graded at the matriculating institution and must be included in the student’s cumulative GPA.

c. Student members shall be selected from the highest twenty percent of the students who have completed a minimum of twelve (12) graded semester hours for an associate degree and twenty-four (24) semester hours for a baccalaureate degree or equivalent and shall be matriculated students in an undergraduate degree program in an institution that is regionally accredited in the U.S. or recognized by the Ministry of Education of the country in which the program operates.

d. Student members selected must have a minimum grade point average of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent. The cumulative scholastic record of the student as interpreted by the institution where membership is to be conferred shall be the basis for computing scholastic eligibility.

e. Local chapters may impose higher standards for student membership than those stated in the ASLHS Constitution. Students invited to membership must meet the criteria of the local chapter into which they are being inducted. Since most chapters hold only one formal induction ceremony per year, any student who graduates between ceremonies and who qualified for chapter membership at the time of their graduation shall be considered an “active” student and eligible for induction at the next induction ceremony.

Section 3 Local chapters may elect faculty and administrative officers to honorary membership. Faculty and administrative personnel shall be exempt from all student membership criteria as outlined in Section 2 of this Article.

Section 4

a. Inducted members who transfer from one institution to another may transfer membership to the chapter of the transfer institution upon the approval of the Chapter Councilor.

b. Annual dues for Chapters shall be set and approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 1 Each Chapter Councilor shall serve as, or appoint, a chapter advisor who will assist the chapter officers with planning and management of local activities.

Section 2

a. The Chapter Councilors shall be convened in an annual business meeting to review the business of the Society.

b. A minimum of five (5) Chapter Councilor or designee attendees at the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3

a. The Chapter Councilors or designees shall vote on proposals submitted by the Board.

b. Votes taken at the annual meeting or electronic ballotshall be approved by a simple majority of votes cast.

Section 4 The Chapter Councilors shall elect the officers of the Board of Directors.

a. Chapter Councilors may nominate candidates to serve as officers.

b. Nomination of officers may be by self-nomination or by Board Member nomination.

c. Election of officers shall occur annually.

d. Elections of officers will be on a staggered basis to allow for continuity of membership.

e. Officers shall be elected for two-year terms.

f. Newly elected officers shall take office on January 1.

Section 1 The Society’s Board of Directors shall be comprised of elected and appointed members.

a. The elected members shall include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large.

b. The Past President shall be retained on the Board to serve as counsel to the Board for the duration of the President’s term.

c. All elected board members shall be current or past Chapter Councilors.

d. All elected board members and the past President shall have a vote on Society business.

e. An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as a voting member.

f. The Board of Directors may appoint additional nonvoting members as the need arises.

Section 2 The Society’s President shall serve as the presiding officer of the Board of Directors and as a member ex-officio of all committees.

Section 3 The Society’s Secretary shall record minutes of the annual business meeting and of meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 4 The Society’s Treasurer shall be responsible for all fiscal matters.

Section 5 The Member-at-Large shall perform tasks as assigned by the President.

Section 6 The Society’s Board of Directors shall be empowered to conduct the affairs of the organization between annual business meetings.

Section 7 The actions of the Board shall require a quorum of five (5) voting members and approval by majority vote.

Section 8 The Board shall have two meetings per year and additional meetings as necessary.

Section 1 Standing Committees

a. Membership

b. Finance

c. Scholarship

d. Nominating

e. Constitution and By-Laws

Section 2 Appointment to committees may be voluntary, by nomination, or through appointment by the President.

Section 3 The Society’s President shall appoint ad hoc committees as may be necessary to further the aims of the organization.

Section 1 The Society’s fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year.

Section 2 The Society’s Board of Directors has the authority to establish dues and fees for Chapters belonging to the Society.

Section 3 A non-refundable fee determined by the Board of Directors must accompany each new chapter application.

Section 4 The Society’s Board of Directors has the authority to create additional funding structures for the benefit of the Society.

Section 1 The Society is to be supported by a home office.

Section 2 The Society shall enter an agreement with the hosting institution.

Section 3 The host institution shall be a Chapter member and will be selected by the Board of Directors.

Section 4 The role of the Executive Director will be to manage the affairs of the home office.

To determine eligibility for membership, follow these steps in the sequence given. This example is based on the criteria established in Article II of the Society’s Constitution. Individual chapter criteria may be higher.


1. Adult Student Status per the criteria outlined in Article II, Section 2a and Article II, Section 4 of the Society’s National Constitution.

2. Residency Requirement: Student members must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) graded semester hours for an associate degree and twenty-four (24) semester hours for a baccalaureate degree or equivalent and shall be matriculated students in an undergraduate degree program. (Must not include transfer credits.)

3. Top twenty percent of the student pool remaining after completing steps 1 & 2 of these instructions.

4. Students who have a GPA of 3.2 or above after completing steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 of these instructions.

Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, disability unrelated to program performance, veteran status or genetic or family medical history.


The regulations and rules established by the ASLHS by-laws dictate how the organization is structured, organized, and operates. These bylaws cover a wide range of topics, including: