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Kristen Manza



Kristen Manza – 2023-2024 ASLHS Scholarship Award Recipient

Congratulations to Kristen Manza – a recipient of the 2023-2024 Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarship Award! ⁠

For Kristen Manza, going back to school after almost 6 years away was a daunting task. At the time, she had a full-time job, but felt something was missing.

Kristen left her job and enrolled in Thomas University, taking a leap of faith to complete her Bachelors in social work. From there, she plans to complete her Masters and eventually have her own therapy practice.

On the side, Kristen enjoys making music, where she hopes listeners are moved by her relatable feelings and raw words. As well, Kristen takes care of the cats in her community. She currently helps to trap, fix and then release feral cats and find homes for ones socialized enough. She hopes to continue to advocate for human and animal rights. 

“If anything the past few years have taught me, it’s to take the leap of faith, even if you can’t see where it’ll take you. To me, nothing is impossible. If you have the idea in your mind and the dedication to see it through, you can do anything. My hope for the future is to be able to bring more positive change to my community and society.”

Well done Kristen and we’re cheering you on!

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