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Megan Miller – 2023-2024 ASLHS Scholarship Award Recipient

Congratulations to Megan Miller – a recipient of the 2023-2024 Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarship Award! ⁠

In her own words, here is a little sneak peek into the journey of this exceptional student…

“My name is Megan Miller and I’m a first generation college student. I previously attended Lehigh Carbon Community College and after graduating with my associate of science in psychology, transferred to Cedar Crest College.

I declared a major in applied psychology and have been the vice president of the psychology club for a year, in addition to being a former psychology club member. Recently I was inducted into 3 honor societies, one being Alpha Sigma Lambda! It has been a pleasure and I am so thankful.

I walked in this May’s commencement and will complete my degree in this Fall. After I complete my studies at Cedar Crest College I will be pursuing my doctoral degree in clinical psychology and have started to apply to programs this summer.

I hope to work in private practice and become an author as well. Thank you, Alpha Sigma Lambda, for all that you do. This scholarship will help me pursue my dreams in ways you may never know. Follow your dreams and never give up!

Congratulations Megan!

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