These Drury University Spring Inductees have big post-graduation plans!

As part of the Alpha Xi Chapter graduation celebration for ASLHS students at Drury University, their Chapter Councilor, Dr. Karim Moukrime, encouraged graduates to share a little about their post-graduation plans:

  • What are your academic and career aspirations?
  • What’s one way being a student has impacted your life?
  • Who are your biggest fans who cheer you on?

Spring 2022 Inductees included: Cali Eden, Jamie Garza, Laura Lara, Tiffany Thompson, Taylor Tetreault, Krystal Gettys, Alexandria R. Baudro, Kristen Campbell, and Ernest Lee Ray

We hope you’ll be encouraged and inspired by their responses below!

Alexandria R. Baudro

I enjoy my position that I currently hold, but I hope to run for office in the near future. My goal is to run for county treasurer in the next six years. Being a student, especially returning later in my life, has impacted my life by keeping my mind sharp, time management skills, and allowing me to retain more knowledge for daily life in the workplace. My biggest cheerleaders in all aspects of my life are my husband, James, my mom Shelly, and my Nana Charlotte.

Krystal Gettys

My career aspiration is to reach an executive position in a well-known corporate office. My goal entering the company would be to evolve my skills in a challenging environment, work within a team, and provide efficient solutions. Within 5 years, I aspire to reach a managerial position that will allow me to make crucial decisions while applying my leadership skills. Eventually, I hope to have reached an executive position so that I can have an active and critical role in the company’s overall success.

Deciding to enroll back into college and pursuing my degrees has positively impacted my life in many ways. This experience has been life changing. I have learned a lot about myself, my goals and what I want my future to look like. Being a student has impacted my life by helping me find a purpose in my future career.

My husband and children are my daily support system. They have been there with me every step of the way. Along with that I am blessed to also have my entire family being my daily cheerleaders and always inspiring me to reach my goals to the fullest potential.

Tiffany Thompson

I love teaching and feel lucky that I discovered my passion so early in my career. I am pursuing my Masters of Special Education. I hope then to work at a school to build relationships and make lasting differences. I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything. The impact of being a student has given me more opportunities, even in fields that aren’t in my degree. I have gained skills like writing, time-management, and ways to present skills and interact with professors, that will later value my career. College has shown me that I am capable of more when I put my mind to it, and most of all challenges myself. My biggest fans are my son – Kayde, my parents – Rodney and Ginger Thompson, my sister, brother-in-law, neice, and nephew – Lauren, Tyler, Brylie and Brody Pierce.

Ernest Lee Ray

I aim to work as a Chaplain for emergency management. Being a student has taught me that no matter what your dreams are, with hard work – it is attainable! My biggest fans are my wife Coral and all of my children: Carolynne, Eden, Ernest, Eve, and Elana.

Taylor Tetreault

My career goal is to teach ELA in the middle school setting. As a single mom, I have persevered through working full-time, going to school full-time, and motherhood. I have learned vital skills to succeed both academicaly and within the workplace. My biggest fans are my mom and dad, daughter, sister, brothers, and grandparents. It would be impossible to list everyone who has pushed and supported my journey. Thank you to everyone who has been there.

Jamie Garza

After graduation, I am going on to obtain my MBA. Where all of this will take me is yet to be seen! Being a student has shown me that I am capable of accomplishing great things. I pray that I’ve set a good example for my kids to follow. I’m grateful for the support of my husband, Oscar, and my two boys, Skyler and Kelby.

Laura Lara

My academic and career aspirations include completing a master of arts in communications, following with a Doctorates. One way being a student has impacted my life is I have been able to be a role model to kids who need to be inspired. So thankful for my son Lucas Lara, and my significant other Paul Alvey.

Kristen Campbell

In the future, I would like to get a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science. Being a student allowed me to understand the issues we are facing today and how to fix them in my own community. I have learned and grown so much over the past years. My nephew Clay, my sister Brittany, Jess Fairchild, Shauna Slater, and Julie Stanley have been my biggest supporters.

Cali Eden

I am a mother of five wonderful children, and a grandmother to seven incredible grandchildren. I have been married to the love of my life for 25 years. I retired from law enforcement after 10 years of service as a Deputy Sheriff and working for the county Prosecutor. I decided to return to college to obtain a Bachelors’ Degree with a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology in order to try a different avenue to help the Criminal Justice System. My passion is Criminal Justice Reform and rehabilitation of criminal offenders. Returning to college at a later age has taught me it is never too late to chase your dreams. My motto has always been, ” Be the change you want to see in the world!”

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