Office closed for the Holidays from December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025

William C. Hine Distinguished Service Award

William C. Hine Distinguished Service Award


William C. Hine has been involved with ASL Honor Society since 1980 and was instrumental in establishing the ASLHS Chapters at the University of Evansville and Eastern Illinois University. He is a strong supporter of ASLHS.

In 1996, the National Home Office of ASLHS was moved to the EIU campus with staff devoted strictly to ASLHS business. Dr. Hine has brought his considerable expertise to the organization not only by serving as sponsor of the National Office, but also through his representation of ASLHS at various national conferences such as UPCEA, ACHE, and CAEL and more recently as the ASLHS Director of Marketing.

In 2002, Alpha Sigma Lambda executive officers and chapter representatives from member institutions established a distinguished service award, named it in Dr. Hine’s honor, and chose him as its first recipient to show their depth of appreciation for his continued service to the Society and to adult students nationwide. The William C. Hine Distinguished Service Award honors Chapter Councilors for their commitment to promoting lifelong learning, dedication to serving adult learners, and leadership to the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society.

Vince Kiernan (2022)
Sara Conwell
Sarah Conwell (2023)


Nominations will be solicited from chapter councilors and from home office staff. Nominees will be asked to supply detailed information to demonstrate their accomplishments related to award criteria. Chapter Councilor Award Task Force will choose a recipient to recommend to the Board.

Award winner will receive a plaque, a $250 contribution to the scholarship fund in the winner’s name, complimentary registration to the ASL Honor Society councilor’s breakfast/meeting, ex-officio status on the ASLHS board for one year. A letter recognizing the award recipient will be sent to the college or university President and the immediate supervisor of the award recipient.


Those eligible for the award are chapter councilors with at least five years of service.

They must have demonstrated leadership and commitment
to ASLHS through the following:

◦ Enhancing member development and services

◦ Fostering positive relationships between local ASLHS members and faculty, staff, and students

◦ Increasing the quality of programs and services for adult learners

◦ Increasing the visibility of adult learners

◦ Recognizing the achievement of ASLHS members and other adult learners

William C. Hine Distinguished Service Awardees

William C. Hine - 2003

Pat Brinegar - 2004

Margery Glick - 2005

Karen Garver - 2005

Anne Nagle - 2007

Ruthie Flowers - 2008

James Johnson - 2009

Cheryl Smith - 2012

Matt Hlinak - 2015

Anne Killen - 2016

Betty Telford - 2017

Dr. Terry Kidd - 2018

Emily Snyder - 2019

Elizabeth Kane - 2020

Edward Singleton, Jr. - 2021

Vincent Kiernan - 2022

Sara Conwell - 2023